Scottie Beaudet & Amar Mangat
Amar and Scottie are two best friends from Vancouver, Canada. Amar is Deaf and Scottie is hearing, both are fluent in ASL (American Sign Language). Amar teaches ASL(Sign With Amar) and works for the Vancouver Pride Society as their accessibility coordinator. Scottie is an international flight attendant who travels the world one language at a time.
Misconceptions surrounding signed languages
In this talk, we aim to address the misconceptions surrounding signed languages, shed light on their distinct features, and emphasize the ways in which they differ from spoken languages. Despite the growing recognition and appreciation of signed languages, misunderstandings and assumptions persist, hindering effective communication and perpetuating stereotypes. It is crucial to break down these misconceptions and foster a deeper understanding of the richness and complexity of signed languages. We will briefly discuss the intricate grammar and syntax of signed languages. Through visual demonstrations and examples, attendees will gain insight into the sophisticated linguistic systems of signed languages. Unlike spoken languages, signed languages utilize space, facial expressions, and body movements as essential components of communication. We will illustrate how these elements contribute to the expressive nature of signed languages, challenging the notion that they can be directly mapped to spoken languages. By dispelling misconceptions and enhancing our understanding of signed languages, we can promote inclusivity, effective communication, and cultural appreciation. This talk will provide a platform for dialogue, encourage open-mindedness, and empower attendees to challenge preconceived notions about signed languages. Together, let us embrace the diversity and richness of signed languages, fostering a more inclusive and accessible society for all.