Tim Keeley
As a professor of cross-cultural management at universities in Japan, China, and Thailand, Tim Keeley has spent the past 32 years writing and lecturing about his insights and research findings in relation to foreign language acquisition and cultural adaptation. His research papers have received global recognition, consistently ranking within the top 2% of all papers worldwide on Academia.edu.
Global Adventures and Language Learning before the Internet Age
The presentation offers a comparative exploration of the challenges and thrills of globe-trotting and language learning during the pre-Internet era of the 1970s and 1980s, versus the modern, digitally-enabled age. The presentation’s focal point is the speaker’s firsthand experiences traveling the world in the pre-digital era. With engaging anecdotes and historical insights, the speaker will transport the audience back to a time when traveling meant carrying hefty dictionaries and phrasebooks, making every linguistic interaction an adventure in itself. The speaker vividly recalls the struggle of maintaining communication when expensive phone calls and postal restante were the only viable options. At the heart of these stories are experiences that not only highlight the challenges of language learning but also offer a riveting account of the world’s changing socio-political landscape. From being arrested in Argentina during the “Dirty War,” to witnessing the birth of Solidarnosz in Poland and the death of Brezhnev in the Soviet Union, these global adventures underscore the stark contrast to today’s instant access to news and information. The speaker will further delve into the profound transformations brought about by the advent of the Internet, social media, free video calls, and platforms like YouTube, reshaping the landscape of language learning and global travel. “Global Adventures and Language Learning before the Internet Age” promises an intriguing journey through time, bridging the old and new world of language acquisition and international exploration. The presentation invites the audience to appreciate the evolution of learning and traveling, underscoring the influence of technological advancements on our global experiences.